Eliminate Inflammation with Onion + Potato Soup

You Need This For Chronic Inflammation

If you're struggling with chronic indigestion, inflammation, or leaky gut we have a POWERFUL natural remedy that we've been using for years with amazing results here at Years Restored. This natural remedy can be taken daily and is fantastic for reducing chronic inflammation throughout the whole digestive system - the mouth, stomach, gut, and colon. Moreover, this remedy is also fantastic for re-balancing the gut micro-biome with healthy bacteria, strengthening the intestinal wall and repairing leaky gut, and it can also be used for the treatment of nausea and diarrhea.

This natural remedy is none other than potato and onion soup.

Two simple ingredients with powerful healing abilities.

Two simple ingredients with powerful healing abilities.

That Sounds Too Simple!

It sounds simple doesn't it? That's because it is! It so happens that sometimes the simplest solution is also the best solution and that is very much the case here. The potato and onion soup can be eaten as a light dinner in the evening and the beneficial compounds will immediately go to work for you.

What Makes This Soup So Powerful?

The large amount of fiber and resistant starch in potatoes are incredibly beneficial for the gut microbiome. Resistant starch "resists" digestion by the small intestine and instead passes along to the large intestine where digestion occurs slowly via a fermentation process that feeds some of our most beneficial gut bacteria.

Onions also contain a special type of soluble fiber called oligofructose which is extremely beneficial for your gut microbiome by promoting the proliferation of healthy bacteria. Onions are also a powerful anti-inflammatory due to their dense nutritional content which includes anti-inflammatory phytochemicals such as quercetin and diallyl disulfide.

Pair these two ingredients in a healthy soup and you have a powerful anti-inflammatory and gut-healthy combination.

This Is Just What I Need! How Do I Make It?

One of the best things about it is it's incredibly simple to make. The recipe is as follows:

  • One small potato (chopped and peeled)

  • Half an onion (remove after onion cooked)

  • 2 cloves crushed garlic

  • ½ teaspoon of Himalayan salt

  • 3 cups of water

  • Cook until the potato is soft

DISCLAIMER: If you're allergic to nightshades make this soup without the potato and just drink the broth.

God Bless,

Mercy Ballard

Mercy Ballard