Never Get Hot Flashes Again

The Key to Hormonal Health

Do you suffer from post-menopausal hot flashes, unexplained weight gain, or are you at risk for breast or prostate cancer? These problems are often associated with hormonal imbalances that push your body out of it's natural equilibrium.

Hormonal imbalance is more common than you think.  A recent study showed that out of 2,000 women almost half of them were experiencing symptoms from hormonal imbalances. In addition to the natural hormonal cycle women go through with their menstrual cycle, our hormones are often thrown out of balance by poor sleep, high-stress, and GMO foods. We're constantly learning more about hormones and how we can keep them in balance with our diet and lifestyle which brings us to an exciting and proven solution: regular flax seed intake.

A couple of tablespoons of flax seeds can be the difference between hormonal health and hormonal imbalance.

A couple of tablespoons of flax seeds can be the difference between hormonal health and hormonal imbalance.

Flax Seeds Stopped My Hot Flashes Cold

Due to our recent displacement from the California wildfires I was unable to consume my usual intake of flax seeds for two and a half weeks and as a result my hot flashes started to return. This was something that used to be a big problem for me but I was able to get it under control with flax seeds and a plant based diet. After resuming my usual intake of flax seeds my symptoms began immediately improving while completely going away in only one week! This is the perfect addition to your diet if you're a post-menopausal woman.


What Makes Flax Seeds So Effective?

Flax seeds contain a powerful compound known as phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen is a very unique plant compound that is able to bind to estrogen receptors in the body and either stimulate estrogenic activity or block them from occurring.  What this means is that depending on whether your estrogen levels are excessive or deficient, the phytoestrogen in flax seeds will bring these levels back into balance causing your symptoms to dissipate. This is what makes flax seed such an important part of our diet! Just don’t forget to grind them before consuming for even better digestion.


How Much Do I Take?

We recommend 3-4 tablespoons of flax seeds a day for post-menopausal women, 2 tablespoons a day for pre-menopausal women, and just 1 tablespoon a day for men. While flax seeds shouldn't cause men's estrogen levels to raise noticeably due to the selective nature of phytoestrogen, we still recommend only 1 tablespoon to be cautious.


Eat More Seeds!

We really love flax seeds because they're easy to eat and have a fantastic balance of phytoestrogen and omega-3 fatty acids but other seeds are great sources of this as well such as chia or pumpkin seeds. All of these are welcome additions and will help keep your hormones healthy and balanced!

Mercy Ballard