3 Incredible Benefits of Aloe Vera

What's So Special About Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is one of the main natural remedies we use because the benefits are so substantial and numerous. From preventing tooth decay to immune system modulation to wound healing the list goes on and on. We could easily write a book about the benefits of this miracle plant but today we're going to focus on three powerful reasons why you should include Aloe Vera in your arsenal of healing plants.


Aloe Vera is a Powerful Anti-Viral

Aloe Vera is widely known for it's usage as a wound-healer, and for good reason, but a lot of people are unaware that Aloe Vera is also a potent anti-viral agent. This is a big deal and an often under-looked aspect of the healing power of AV. Research has shown that application of AV gel inhibited the cell proliferation of cytomegalovirus and rendered cultures of varicella-zoster virus (chicken pox), influenza virus, and pseudorabies virus inactive. Wow!


Aloe Vera Supports the Immune System

Aloe Vera, in addition to being an effective anti-viral, is also a powerful natural way to boost our immune system. The main way AV does this is by stimulating the production and activity of macrophages in our body. Macrophages are specialized cells that identify, target, and destroy invasive pathogens in our blood stream, keeping us healthy and disease-free. By consuming AV you're helping to give your immune system the support it needs to fight off any potential microbial invaders.


Aloe Vera Has Anti-Cancer Effects

The benefits continue to pile on as research has shown AV may have a powerful effect on ridding the body of cancerous tissue. AV has very high levels of naturally occurring plant compounds known as anthraquinones. In particular, AV produces a specific type of anthraquinone known as aloe-emodin which has shown to have very powerful anti-cancer effects. Regular consumption of AV may be the difference between health and disease.

Consider adding Aloe Vera to your arsenal of super foods, it's a powerful natural remedy with dozens of uses and we know it can make a difference in your health.

Mercy Ballard