More Than Just a Source of Light

More Than Just a Source of Light

The sun is one of the most incredible works of creation. Every morning it faithfully rises in the east and provides the light and warmth that makes our lives possible. As incredible as this, the sun does more than just provide light and warmth, it is also the source of unique and powerful health benefits. From providing better sleep (yes, really!), to improving the immune system, to helping to control our weight, the benefits from sunlight are both varied and profound.

"Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun."
Ecclesiastes 11:7

The Sunshine Vitamin

The most well known health benefit of the sun is that it is the most plentiful, reliable, and beneficial source of vitamin D. An estimated 1 billion people are deficient in vitamin D primarily due to indoor lifestyles that restrict access to the sun. This is a great tragedy, as low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased mortality across the population. Vitamin D is more than just a "vitamin", it is actually a steroid hormone that regulates many systems in your body and actively works to keep your immune system healthy, your bones strong, and your digestive system regular. This alone is reason enough to get more sunshine.

Sun and Serotonin

Serotonin is a hormone and neurotransmitter that modulates mood, cognition, reward, learning, memory, and numerous physiological processes, and sun exposure increases production of this vital hormone. Serotonin's ability to promote feelings of calmness and well-being can conversely cause feelings of anxiety and depression when it is in short supply. With the sun being such a big factor in our body's ability to produce serotonin, it is at the center of seasonal mood disorder research. The lack of sun in the winter months is directly correlated with lower serotonin, and higher rates of mood disorders.

Tips for Sunbathing

The sun is a powerful natural tool that you can use during the warm part of the year to give you an abundance of health benefits, but it is important to receive sun exposure carefully and with moderation. Here are some tips when sunbathing:

  • Always avoid sunburn and keep exposure to below the point of skin reddening

  • 10AM - 3PM is the time that presents the highest risk for sunburn so if you're prone to burning you may want to time your exposure

  • Glass filters out 95% of beneficial UV light so do not sunbathe behind glass

  • Start with 4 minutes on each quadrant; front, back, and sides when sunbathing

If you follow this simple advice you can be assured that you're staying safe while absorbing the incredible rejuvenating energy of the morning sun.

God Bless,
Mercy Ballard

Mercy Ballard