Cancer Can Be Defeated

The Rise of Cancer

There are few diseases whose very mention strikes fear into our hearts like cancer, and with good reason. 21% of all deaths in the Unites States are the result of cancer, and in 2022 it is estimated that roughly two million people will be diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is so far reaching that it's almost certain that if we haven't been affected by it ourselves, we at least know someone who has. It's no surprise that just saying the name of the disease gives us a sense of dread, and makes us uneasy. With the prevalence and severity of this illness, it's time we take a look at how diet and lifestyle can make a difference in the prognosis.

What Is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease that occurs when the mechanism that allows our cells to replicate and multiply malfunctions, and causes the body to grow an over abundance of unnecessary, damaged, or abnormal cells. These abnormal cells will often clump together to form solid tissues called tumors. Cancer becomes life-threatening when it begins to grow in key organs, nerves, or blood vessels which weakens and impairs their function. This is what makes decisive action taken as early as possible so important, to prevent it from spreading to these vital systems if we can.

Cancer Meets a Plant-Based Diet

The good news is that not everyone succumbs to cancer, and as a result we have a great many cancer survivors in our population. A commonality that many cancer survivors share, is a new-found appreciation for a plant-based diet, and for good reason.

A plant-based diet has been shown effective in combating cancer in many ways, and the evidence is only increasing. Plant-based foods such as legumes, pseudo-grains, vegetables, fruits, and seeds are all packed with phytochemicals and anti-oxidants that protect cells from much of the free-radical damage that often leads to cancer over time. Cruciferous vegetables in particular have been studied extensively on their vast anti-carcinogenic properties. Moreover, plant-based foods have powerful anti-inflammatory effects that the body desperately needs when it's fighting cancer, as cancer usually arises and proliferates in areas of chronic and uncontrolled inflammation. The jury is in, if you're fighting cancer, you can't go wrong by adopting a plant-based diet.

Cancer and Meat

On the opposite end of the spectrum, when we look at diets that are high in animal protein, especially red meat, we do not see a decrease in cancer risk. Unfortunately, we find quite the opposite. Research has shown that diet is directly responsible for at least 35% of cancer diagnoses, and diets high in meat consumption play a major role. This is an even higher correlation than that of smoking, which is found to be causative in 30% of cancer diagnoses. This is thought to be due to harmful compounds in meat such as curing agents like nitrites and nitrates, hormones such as estradiol, hydrocarbons, and outright carcinogens like heterocyclic amines which form when meat is cooked at high temperatures. These are the last things you want going into your body when you're battling cancer.

Cancer and Processed Foods

Processed foods are categorized as foods which are devoid of vitamins, nutrients, and fiber while high in salt, sugar, and fat. These would be foods such as chips, packaged bakery goods, soft drinks, deli meats, candy, and sugary cereals. As you would imagine, these foods tend to also be highly caloric, and they also have an impact on our cancer risk. This British Medical Journal study found that increasing your intake of processed foods by just 10% was associated with a 12% increase in cancer, a terrifying stat!

Give Yourself Every Chance to Win

When you're up against something as existential as cancer, you want to give yourself every chance of success. This means a balanced, whole-food, plant-based diet with no processed foods. You want to stack the deck however you can so that you can proudly call yourself a cancer survivor. With this in mind a plant-based diet is the most well researched in the world with the proven ability to not just reduce the risk of cancer, but to actively work to undermine the spread and advancement of cancer. Make a green juice every morning, eliminate animal products, eat plenty of salad, fill your plates with cruciferous vegetables, and you're on your way to reclaiming your health.

God Bless,
Mercy Ballard

Mercy Ballard